About Us

Welcome to H3O Church

The name of our church reflects our vision to see people embrace a whole of life faith in Jesus. We believe following Jesus requires us to have our “heads on, hearts on, and hands on”… hence the name H3O!

In Mark 12:30-31, a Jewish religious scholar asks Jesus, “of all the commandments, which is the greatest one?”. Jesus replied by quoting the “shema”, an ancient Jewish prayer…

‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength’.

Interestingly, despite being asked for the single greatest commandment, Jesus offers a second…
 ‘Love your neighbour as your self’. There is no commandment greater than these’.
Here, Jesus paints a picture of a whole of life faith where love of God cannot be separated from love of neighbour.
Following Jesus requires us to have our heads, hearts and hands on as we seek to love God, love people, and love the world that He has created.
We see our role as a church to empower and equip followers of Jesus to live out what Jesus commands in Mark 12:30-31, not just for the one hour on a Sunday, but in our workplaces, schools, universities, families and the wider community.
This means that at H3O, we value:
1. Deep engagement with the Scriptures, the Spirit inspired, living and active word of God that consistently points us to Jesus, the full revelation of who God is, what God is like, and what his plans and purposes are for our lives and for all of creation.
2. Spiritual formation in the way of Jesus through the age-old spiritual practices of Christianity (like prayer, reading scripture, worship through song, silence and solitude, gathering in community etc.) that open us up to the transforming work of God’s Spirit in our life, and enable us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and to live and love as Jesus did.
3. Embodying the gospel in our neighbourhood through practical acts of compassion, mercy, justice, hospitality, peacemaking and radical neighbour love; sharing Jesus' message of hope, salvation, reconciliation and renewal as we go.

And finally, all of these values are expressed in the context of authentic and inclusive community. 

We are a Baptist Church, affiliated with the Baptist Association of NSW and ACT, a growing movement of nearly 400 churches. H3O church is committed to our Association's Gen1K goal of seeing our movement grow to 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
If you have questions or would like to connect with one of our leadership team, just email us and a pastor will get in touch.

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Sunday Gatherings

We can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Meet the Team

Todd Darvas- Lead Pastor

Todd lives in Cromer with his wife Eliza, and three young kids - Jesse, Wren and Nora. He came to H3O in 2021 after more than a decade in youth and young adults ministry. His passion is local mission, and equipping disciples of Jesus to see people and communities holistically transformed by the Gospel. In addition to pastoral ministry, Todd works bi-vocationally as a family lawyer with a Christian not for profit, running a free legal clinic in the Dee Why area for people experiencing Domestic Violence and family breakdown. He loves surfing (obsessed is probably a more appropriate word), and hanging with his family down at Dee Why beach. 

Jess Duncan - Youth Intern

Jess moved to the northern beaches early 2023 to start a youth internship at H30. Prior to this she spent a year down in Philip Island participating in Christian Surfers leadership training (CSALT). Jess is now studying a Bachelor of Ministry at Morling College. She loves seeing young people come to understand their identity in Christ. Jess is pretty much any sort of adventure, loves the ocean, surfing and being with people.

Monique Redpath - Intern

Mon is married to Cam, and and proud mum to their first baby, little Jonathan! Mon became a Christian when she was 15 years old and has done short term missions & ministry in France, Cambodia, India, Switzerland, Togo & Bangladesh, served as a missions & evangelism coordinator with Christian Union at Macquarie University, and been involved in organising fundraising & other events for various organisations and at previous churches. Monique has just finished her undergraduate degree of Social Science & Laws, majoring in social justice. She is an extrovert who loves good food & coffee, the ocean, exercising, animals, reading/learning & the enneagram!

Cameron Redpath - Intern

Cam lives in Forestville with his wife Monique and their first son Jonathan. Cam & Mon joined H3O in March 2023 after returning from a year of travel and doing a Discipleship Training School with YWAM Lausanne. Prior to meeting & marrying Mon, Cam served for 4 years in security with the RAAF. He’s always loved flying and recently got his recreational pilots licence. Cam loves helping people in practical ways and you’ll often see him carrying heavy things at church. Cam also loves rugby and learning/speaking French

Amy Osborne

Leadership Council

Trevor Wight

Leadership Council

Steve Clews

Leadership Council

"Heads on, Hearts on, and Hands on"